Friday 11 May, 2007

What is Fitness?

  1. What effect does Diet have on the well-being of ones physical state, emotional state, intellectually capacity and spiritual Sadhana?
  2. Till when is this a significant factor?
  3. What is the “appropriate diet for a seeker? And then what is an appropriate diet for a “peaceful” warrior?
  4. Actually the larger question is what enables a fitness on all dimensions – a wholesome fitness such that one truly engages with life – steadily and surely responding to challenges. What makes us fit to Encounter Life?
  5. Surely there is food, there is what we drink – the quantity, the quality and the frequency. There is also the rhythm of the day – time of waking and time of sleeping; times of studying and times of meditating; times of “working” and times of “Spacing out”; times of prayer and times of sheer play.
  6. There is the languaging, the expressing of ones inner life!
  7. There is the taking in of various inputs, through various media
  8. Somewhere in all of this is the wholesome engaging with life. A living differently that makes a difference – in ever widening circles of influence
  9. This then is the manifestation of purnatva, of Wholeness in daily life

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