Friday 11 May, 2007

On meditation, spiritual practice and such likes

  1. There are so many techniques available, passing fads and all, to “Transcend” the mind.
  2. All need the mind, to transcend the mind!
  3. So neither the mind, nor the body can be “unwilling” for this transcendence to happen.
  4. Yet so much of the prevalent practices are based on “overcoming” these lower / grosser bodies!
  5. Why? I wonder!
  6. Guess, part of this is stated in the early reflection on “What is real?” or may be that is the root of this misdirection.
  7. Create a divide called “sacred” versus “spiritual” and then spend lifetimes “transcending” this “self-created” ignorance!
  8. What is then Divine?
  9. If everywhere around and inside, is all the time “That” then what is so special?
  10. Why does it have to be special?
  11. Isn’t this need for “special”, “higher”, a mere extension of the fragmentation, of lack of an intrinsic order?

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