Friday 11 May, 2007

On “Emptiness”

  1. Over the last few days there has crept over me a certain stillness, a certain silence.
  2. The doer in me gets restless.
  3. The worrier in me seeks to take over and goad me into the all too familiar “Doom Loop”.
  4. The Doer screams, “Man the only way out is to do something, do anything! Look at the pending work-stack!”
  5. There is the new understanding
    about self, the world and the unfolding!Something old is dying, something new is birthing
  6. It is that twilight zone, zone of emptinessA land neither here not there
  7. It is like the space between the inhalation and the exhalation (or between the exhalation and the inhalation?!)
  8. It is truly a “Pregnant Pause”
  9. Appears empty – empty of pre-conception, of knowing, of ego, of I
  10. But is full of HIS PRESENCE!

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