Saturday 19 May, 2007

Prayer for passage

I am at this critical juncture
Most of the time feeling like a tyre-tube with a puncture
An old nail of “Self-doubt”
Keeps piercing
Till I become flat – within and without

Receive mails, respond to some
Pending actions is a long list
Doing some, but “reluctant / frightened” to do most
Physically very unfit over the last few weeks
Worries and self-criticism take a heavy toll
It is like a mist, which I create through my own breath
And then fight to clear off.

This seems to be the big dragon
Which I must learn to face without weapons or armour
Love myself with all my shortcomings and fears
Me, of little faith and much arrogance
Tuning out more frequently and severely from the Divine Guidance
Then tuning in, staying true and feeling the blues!

Wanted to be the wisest
The challenge is to be wise
Searching for that illusive peace
That sense of well being and well doing
Getting swept by the fears and anxieties
Unable to face, often freezing and then fleeing

Have had experience of flow
Of great blessings and the loving glow
Right now feel cut off from the creative source
Focused on what is missing rather than what is
Unwilling to allow the emptying
Panicking and seeking escape into feeling good

All through life, especially work-life,
One seems to have walked through in sort of a daze
No real purpose, it appears till the CEL idea hit
Then lost the way
In power play
And after that in the search for the illusive (impossible?) security

What will I do? What will I contribute
Dialogue – listen, speak, inquire
Integral philosophy
Explore trek and music
Play and dance
The vision of “master class”
Will replace the endless struggle for safety and security
For impossible guarantee

Time to be me –
in full glory of the GOD who breathes in / for me!!

I pray for passage
I pray for my birth
I free myself from the burden of knowing
I am true and loving
Totally accepting the shadow
Releasing myself from the conditioning
I give-in to the compelling voice within
I cease the need to know-everything
I am tuning-in GOD!
Clean the cob-webs and send your light in!!

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