Sunday 20 May, 2007

On the new economic revolution

New economic manifesto (Arthakranti) is the new manifesto..
the new manifesto of the real freedom struggle.
The first one was about political freedom from an invading nation

We gained that freedom through peace and non-violence
And the leadership of a Mahatma
Of a Gandhi who touched the heart of millions
Because he genuinely identified with their reality
He lived it not just talked about it
A true servant leader

A leader of men and women
Who wore a Dhoti around the waist
Another piece of cotton draped around his shoulders
His stick carried him everywhere
Or was it the relentless energy to fulfill the purpose

He too was a deeply spiritual man
A man who forever “experimented with truth”
A man who walked his talk
A man who truly understood the pain of the other
A man who did not just weep tears
But move a whole nation to overcome its fears
And walk the high road to freedom

A long hiatus of the “non-aligned” “Socialistic path
A mish mash of doctrines
Butchering the design
Corrupting the systems all around
A recipe for a slide into a deep abyss
Almost it was too late

But then rushed in the era of liberalisation and the globalisation
Not becaue we were ready
But because we could not affort to be isolated
You see, beggars can not be choosers

So the IMF, the world bank,
The coca colas and the McDonalds licked their chops
For the huge market – the Indian billion
Was suddenly fair game
So started the new journey
Of the new tyranny
Of the new slavery

On the one hand there was the real possibility
Of access to truly world class produce and service
There was the ending of the lousy goods and the mute acceptance
The ending of the “protected field”
Looked good for the rich and the moneyed.
Ah but what a price to pay
For the latest stuff that money can buy
Destruction of the Indian way!

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