Saturday 23 June, 2007

Problem Solving to “Learning and Doing”

  • Why do I get stuck in “problem solving” rather than “relentlessly learning and doing”?


  • What a delicious question, especially when it was asked – about a year or so back. Life then was appeared to be so full of problems – situations very different from “expectations and plans and dreams”. Reality was stridently refusing to comply with my wishes. How could this be so?
  • Must be something wrong out there – has to be! Wait, may be, just may be
    it is all because, I am all wrong in here!
  • Either way what can I do to ensure that things are different? No point blaming others; no point kicking myself – easier said than done!!
  • When a deer is transfixed by the stare of the lion or a person by the headlights of an on-coming car, there is a fright that freezes! If instinct, is alive, and the “time-to-die” is not here, the deer/person reacts and jumps out of harms / deaths way!
  • Every situation is not “life and death”.( though often we nearly kill ourselves by making it so!). It is actually the little irritants which bug the hell out of you – completely destroy your neat little plans for you life!
  • But wait, if I have the space within, to recognize the patterns (first I need the eyes to see as well) I can see the role I play in experiencing the reality the way I do. From there can I take the leap-of-faith and see life for what-it-is – a faithful mirror on one hand, reflecting in circumstances, situations, relationships, “who and where you are” and at the same time, on the other hand, a store-house of possibilities, an every present invitation to participate in the Divine Dance of Unfolding!
  • If you blessed with Grace, you can actually jump from seeing problems as things to be avoided, things to be dealt with wily-nilly, to verily being gifts, that are meant to help you shed your chains and become free, then you are free! As M. Scott Peck says, once you accept that Life is difficult, then it no longer remains so.
  • And if this is indeed so, then what else is there to do, but “relentlessly learn and do”? Actually it is more like “gratefully, devotedly, discover and let happen”!
  • “Relentlessly Learn and do” has too much of I still in it. But that I is the once which can take me to the true identity, true indivisibility - Oneness
  • Welcome to Lila / Maya / Mara – as a gateway to heaven within.
  • See, just see, how precious problems are – far more than opportunities in “work clothes”. They are nothing but spaces to touch Divinity!

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