Friday 22 June, 2007

Not what but how and why


Why is the inner voice saying, does not matter what you do, but how and may be why you do it is of utmost relevance?


  • Long time got invested in learning the lesson that the quest for a single purpose for my life was futile (Twice-over!)

-- in the sense that there is no one activity / area of work to dedicate oneself to like that for a Great organization
-- and more deeply, in the metaphysical sense that for any human the purpose is indeed the same – Discover Divinity and Live from there!

  • So the light has dawned that the activity per-se is not that relevant. Nothing above or below (my dignity) in this world! All things come from Him! Everything is Sacred!
  • Another driver was “recognition / approval”! So it couldn't be any activity but those which were acknowledged to be in and difficult! Extension of childhood quest for identity!!
    Each detour taught me what I needed to learn at that point-in-time. Probably what I willing to and capable of learning at that time!
  • Realized that ego satisfaction is an impossibility. The nature of the beast is such that any accomplishment, at best, yields momentary satisfaction. Then there is the swelling (not growth) and thus wanting more / difficult goals to chase. Ego – good servant, terrible master!
  • So if one is able to stay in the space of Sacred Service then anything one does will be an act of love, a prayer, an offering. Obviously, then whatever is the outcome (success or failure) is then a gift, a blessing, the ultimate Prasad!
  • The act of doing is also vital. Very easy to slip into old habits and get fixated with outcomes. One then is in constant worry mode and leaks energy like crazy. Instead, if one can stay “in process”, “in the here and now”, remain aware of every little detail, then nothing can be boring or done out of compulsion!
  • Actively choosing and staying centered, noticing what one notices and enjoying the zillion little daily “moments of truth”
  • Thus every moment become a place an opportunity to Discover Divinity while remaining fully aware of one's humanity!

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